6th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes

20–24 June 2022, Le Bischenberg, France


Presentation instructions




General information for oral presentations

  • Your presentation support must be saved as PowerPoint or PDF file on a USB key.
  • We invite you to load your presentation before the beginning of your session, half a day before your presentation on the computer of your conference room.
  • To avoid any technical bug and too long installation time, it is mandatory to use only the computer at your disposal. It will not be possible to use your personal computer
  • A remote control with laser pointer will be at your disposal.



Keynote presentations

  • You will have 30 minutes to realize your presentation
  • (25 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of question).



Invited and regular presentations

  • You will have 20 minutes to realize your presentation
  • (15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of question).



Poster presentations

  • Your poster should be printed in A0 format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) in portrait orientation.
  • It is not possible to print your poster on site.
  • The posters will be displayed on grids and fixed with pins, which will be given to you upon your arrival.
  • Thank you for hanging your poster as soon as you arrive at the conference, Monday, June 20. Thus, everyone will be able to watch it during the conference breaks.
  • Two poster sessions are planned: Tuesday, June 21, 6:00–7:30 pm and Thursday, June 23, 6:00–7:30 pm. During the poster sessions we invite you to stay close to your poster to enable participants to discuss with you.
  • Please pick up your poster on the last day of the conference, Friday, June 24. Remaining posters will not be returned.


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