6th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes

20–24 June 2022, Le Bischenberg, France


Thank you for attending ICASP-6!


Dear ICASP-6 participants!

We would like to thank each of you for attending and for contributing to ICASP-6. Many interesting presentations and a good atmosphere were the keys to success of the conference. It was a pleasure to see the solidification community meet and mingle again and we hope that ICASP-6 was fruitful and inspiring for all of you. We were pleased with the positive feedback of many participants. We would now like to ask you for your help with a more detailed assessment of your experience. Please take a few minutes to fill the ICASP-6 satisfaction survey.

We are looking forward to meeting you again soon.

Miha Založnik and Julien Zollinger

Download the photo Access to the satisfaction survey




Look up the detailed scientific program on the conference website.




Welcome to ICASP-6


We are pleased to announce ICASP-6, the 6th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes and we are particularly happy to invite you to join us in person!

The ICASP conference series is a preeminent forum for researchers to discuss the latest advances and future directions in solidification scienceThe 6th edition will be held 20–24 June 2022 at "Le Bischenberg", in Bischoffsheim, on the Alsace Wine Route and at the foot of the Vosges in the east of France. The venue and the conference schedule will give plenty of opportunities for personal contacts and discussions.

ICASP-6 will cover all aspects of research and applications related to solidification. It will be a great opportunity for researchers and engineers from academia and industry to exchange on recent advances and to discuss outstanding challenges in the field of solidification. The topics covered by the conference include, but are not restricted to:

  • Nucleation and grain refinement
  • Interfaces
  • Microstructure formation during solidification and remelting
  • Dendritic growth and dendrite fragmentation
  • Eutectic, peritectic, monotectic growth
  • Rapid solidification
  • Melting
  • Stress and deformation, hot tearing, shrinkage, and porosity defects
  • Multiphase flow and heat & mass transfer, mushy zone rheology, macrosegregation
  • Thermophysical properties, thermodynamics of solidification and melting
  • Additive manufacturing and welding
  • Casting processes: ingot casting, shape casting, continuous/semi-continuous casting (steel and nonferrous alloys), remelting processes (ESR, VAR,...), etc.
  • Multiscale modeling methods and through-process modeling
  • Experimental and characterization methods

Abstract submission will open in September 2021 and will close on 29 October 2021. Full papers for accepted contributions will be due in January 2022. The conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, and will be available online via open access.

We invite you to join us in France in 2022!


Miha Založnik and Julien Zollinger

Chairmen of ICASP-6

Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine






Organizers and partners




For any questions please send your request to the following address : icasp6[@]ul-propuls.fr


Important dates

12 November 2021

Extended deadline for abstract submission


11 February 2022

Extended deadline for full paper submission


22 April 2022

Deadline for final paper submission

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